Ive been using Digi prepaid for its comparatively cheap mobile internet, compared to other providers. The major plus point for me is the unhindered hotspot.…
No reality fits an ideology
Ive been using Digi prepaid for its comparatively cheap mobile internet, compared to other providers. The major plus point for me is the unhindered hotspot.…
Finally, quarantine is over! Lost two kilos in a week, and drew up a list of things I wanna eat! I dropped to 65.90 kg,…
After being flagged many times as a close contact, I’m now Covid-19 positive. I have been feeling under the weather lately, but I’ve attributed it…
Boredom caused by Covid lockdown has me doing this for my guitar to avoid it always ending on the floor. I set out to make…
Was getting ready for work on Monday (17th June 2019) when I got the sad news, perginya Pak Abu. Pak Abu, my friend’s father, passed…
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ , Al-Fatihah Maikel. Semalam dapat berita, arwahnya kritikal, hari ni dah pergi menghadap sang Pencipta. Terkesima sebentar. Dah lama maklum…