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من النهر إلى البحر

Quarantine is Over!

Finally, quarantine is over! Lost two kilos in a week, and drew up a list of things I wanna eat! I dropped to 65.90 kg, not due to a lost appetite, but I only stayed in my room and only had instant noodles and snacks with me. I went on a shopping trip on Sunday, tested positive on Monday, and in my rush to get to the toilet, I brought the whole shopping bag with me into the room.

Home Isolation Or Surveillance Order completed notification on MySejahtera.
HSO completed

What started with a runny nose and a slight fever escalated into a week of boredom. I only tested positive after the worst of the infection.

Saturday marked the initial symptoms. A little bit of house cleaning and and a lot of dust later, I got a runny nose. Fever developed soon after and my throat was beginning to itch. I went out shopping for food on Sunday, also medications, like Paracetamol and lozenges, and antihistamines for my leaking nose.

Sunday was the worse, with my fever peaking at 38.5°C, and I began to cough slightly. I took Panadol every four to six hours, and monitored my temperatures. Took antihistamines to help me sleep (it made me drowsy), and also to plug my nose. Monday morning came and my fever broke, my nose has already stopped leaking prior, but the cough and itching in my throat lingered for the week. Especially the damned itch.

I had an appointment on Monday morning, but I can’t in good conscience meet somebody without doing a test, and sure enough, I was positive. After calling off the meet, thus began a week that was more annoying and boring, than being sick.

I’ve only just bought a new water heater, and I brought it into my room for heating water to dip my feet in. It’s as if the universe worked together in tandem to let me stay in my room quarantined, as comfortable as it could be. Except for the food. I didn’t tell my housemates that I tested positive, one only recently started work, the other, while coughing his lungs off on a daily basis (heavy smoker) hadn’t developed any symptoms.

Alhamdulillah, the worst that I’ve gotten from this, is boredom. I slept too much of course, but that’s to be expected. Having have heard from some peers of their symptoms, I’m glad mine was mild. My recent vaccine jabs just weeks earlier could have helped. I sure am glad I didn’t hesitate to vaccinate. I’m even glad-er that quarantine is over!

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