Was getting ready for work on Monday (17th June 2019) when I got the sad news, perginya Pak Abu. Pak Abu, my friend’s father, passed away the night before due to a heart attack.
After a short text to my office chat group, I went to the local mosque to pay my respects. I ran into the former group of people I used to hang out with, and exchanged pleasantaries. And soon enough it was time for the prayers and paying our last respects for arwah, before the prayers.

Subhanallah, there were lots of tears. Arwah is very much loved, and even the imam was humbled by the attendance. After a packed solat jenazah, we made our way to the Muslim Cemetery at Section 9, Kota Damansara.
Pak Abu leaving us so soon after Maikel hit his son (Awe) real bad, as he was close to arwah Maikel, and I learnt Awe did manage to visit before his passing. Awe and I was reminiscing about his father, and I, about Mama.
I told him, the grief, the pain differs for people. But it will hit you, and it will hit you hard. It’s just a matter of time, and how long you take to get over it, if you can.
I told him, when my mum got sick, I dismissed it, “Alah, sakit-sakit dia, esok-esok eloklah”. But she never recovered. Awe’s father has been sick for some time, and in fact was due for a heart bypass operation this August. So he talked about his dad’s antics while being hospitalised. About how parched his throat was and how he got his other son to sneak in food and water despite the doctor’s stern instructions. And how he was caught red-handed because he dropped his drink.
The day before, he dropped by the house, for a little Hari Raya do, and was telling his dad, if I get a boy (his wife is due to give birth anytime now) I’m naming him Abu. Pak Abu merely shrugged.
For all the jokes and stories about his dad, I told him, your dad was very much loved. A lot of people came, and for the three nights of tahlil I can see what an impact his father has had on the people around him. You may not know Pak Abu, even I admittedly only met the old man a few times, but I read about him in the papers, but I don’t have the clipping, just this link to The Star Online’s piece and also chanced upon MBPJ‘s Facebook mention of Pak Abu while looking for The Star’s article.
Al Fatihah, moga-moga damailah Pak Abu di sana. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di golongan orang-orang yang beriman hendaknya.
Takziah untuk Awe sekeluarga, semoga tabah menerima dugaan ini, dan kesihatan bonda tercinta terjaga hendaknya.
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