Technically, this isn’t my first run. This is my first recorded run on Strava, but this is how #AdeeBerlari ‘officially’ starts. This would also be my New Year’s resolution, #AdeeBerlari means not going two days without a run.
I can’t recall my last run, but it could have been in the early 2000s. Prior to that I was quite active, running every other day, cycling to commute, and also played football almost daily. Me and my school friends would join runs, but I would skip school sports day and (mis)use my doctor’s certificate for asthma.
Logging double digit km runs with little warm up was nothing, but that was eons ago. I started running back in late 2018, and as expected, I struggled to maintain a few hundred metres of uninterrupted run. I’m now able to maintain running longer before running out of wind, but I’m targetting better times, and furthering my distances too.
I never was a fast runner, and I don’t recall my best times before. A half hour 5km run is the norm, and I could easily do a just north of an hour for a 10 km run back then. That would be a tall order now, so for 2020, I’ve resolved to making a run at least thrice a week, or every other day. I’ve spent money on consecutively better and more expensive smartwatches/fitness trackers and I damn well am going to utilise them. Also running gear!
So this is #AdeeBerlari, run numero uno, hopefully of many more to come.
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